PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RECRUITMENT - The best appointment you'll make

Career & Workplace Insights series: Robert Letham

Career & Workplace Insights series: Robert Letham

"I always make sure I'm available for my team" A simple but very effective management tool used by Robert Letham, Managing Director and Head of Finance from People's Postcode Lottery. PPL do incredible work and have raised a HUGE amount of money... read more

Reverse cultural fit? How to find an employer that shares your values

Reverse cultural fit? How to find an employer that shares your values

Culture fit is talked about a lot when job seeking but finding the right fit for our own personal values is discussed much less. Culture defines the work environment, but values show how companies prioritise, guide decisions, and reconcile confl... read more

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Deadline fast approaching… key dates for the limited company contractor

Despite the recent legislative changes in the Finance Act 2020 which saw a lot of contractors move away from operating through their own limited companies to umbrella companies there are still a large number of independent workers in the UK that... read more

International Women’s Day: How to remove unconscious bias from your hiring process

International Women’s Day: How to remove unconscious bias from your hiring process

Today is International Women’s Day and the theme for 2022 is “Break The Bias”. Whether deliberate or unconscious, bias makes it difficult for women to move ahead. Unconscious biases are attitudes and thoughts that are held subconsciously and aff... read more

5 key questions to ask yourself when considering a counter-offer

5 key questions to ask yourself when considering a counter-offer

You've been offered a new job, but just as you hand in your notice, you're approached with a counter-offer from your current employer. And whether it’s more money, more responsibility or a promotion, deciding whether to accept or reject a counte... read more

Accounting & finance trends to watch out for in 2022

Accounting & finance trends to watch out for in 2022

The accounting and finance profession is rapidly changing. While some of these changes are in response to recent events, many of these are driven by ever-changing technology. 2022 has arrived, and we’re excited to see what trends will take hold ... read more

Mental Health: How Will Your Colleagues Remember You?

Mental Health: How Will Your Colleagues Remember You?

I recently read an article that really resonated with me. The sentiment of it was that nobody will remember your salary/job title/hours that you worked but what they will remember is your character, time spent with them and how you made them fee... read more

Compliance – Love it or hate it… it’s here to stay!

Compliance – Love it or hate it… it’s here to stay!

As with any industry, it is essential to know and understand the rules and regulations and none more so than within the recruitment industry. This is the framework that permits us to know what information we can communicate to our clients and ca... read more

How to Attract Top Accounting Talent in a Candidate-Driven Market

How to Attract Top Accounting Talent in a Candidate-Driven Market

Candidate shortages and shifts in employee demands brought on by the pandemic is requiring organisations to rethink how they can best attract top talent. This means that the very few candidates who are actively looking for new opportunities have... read more

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